[BusyBox] chpasswd for busybox

William Barsse wbarsse at pfn.com
Tue Jun 15 10:11:00 MDT 2004

Hi all,

A cursory look at the mail archive didn't reveal anything for 
"chpasswd". So here's my trivial little implementation, mostly based on 
"passwd". And hey, even trivial things can come in handy ;)

The patch is against pre10, but it applies cleanly to the CVS version. 
It doesn't conform to the behavior of the "real" chpasswd because it 
updates the passwd file incrementally as opposed to scanning the 
complete input (and failing at the first error) before doing the 

Anyway, hope somebody finds it useful.


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Name: busybox-1.00-pre10-chpasswd.patch.gz
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