rc and file format

Katey Yu katey.Yu at ositech.com
Thu Sep 21 12:57:50 UTC 2006



When I boot up and run application "ls"  the form is not correct. Could
you somebody tell me what's wrong?

Another issue is how to set init for running /etc/rc in busybox?






init started:  BusyBox v1.00-pre5 (2006.09.20-15:16+0000) multi-call



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BusyBox v1.00-pre5 (2006.09.20-15:16+0000) Built-in shell (msh)

Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.


# ls

[1;34mbin[0m      [1;34mdev[0m      [1;34metc[0m      [1;36mlinuxrc[0m
[1;34mproc[0m     [1;34msbin[0m     

[1;34musr[0m      [1;34mvar[0m


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