a simple request: apply all outstanding patches.

Rob Sullivan cogito.ergo.cogito at gmail.com
Thu May 18 06:46:04 UTC 2006

On 17/05/06, Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:
> I'm not an ideal maintainer.  Not even close.  I'm not good at the social
> aspects of it (I started out by having a personality conflict with Vladimir,
> and I suspect I've managed to annoy everyone on this list at least once by
> now), I drop patches on the floor, I post too much and outright _flood_ the
> darn mailing list (hey, I type fast), I haven't got enough time to spend on
> patch review (more energy than time, it's _exhausting_ reading this stuff
> with a fine tooth comb), I'm not patient enough, there are areas (like
> makefiles) where I really don't know what I'm doing...
> Unfortunately, the reason I'm doing it is there isn't anybody else.  I put a
> lot of time in this, I care deeply about what's best for the project, and I'm
> doing the best job I can.

What more can anyone ask for? Personally, I think you're doing a damn
fine job keeping up with everything as well as you do - if I were in
your shoes, the mountain of patches would be a bit more of an

I think it's important to remember that most people here tend to have
other developing jobs besides Busybox too, so we need to spread the
load a little, or at least change the process by which Busybox is
developed. That can mean more people, or it can simply mean greater
efficiency; if a *good* bugtracker is set up, it should be so logical
and useful that people will actually want to use it, and will easily
be able to do so. The current mailing list patch submission system
works, but its most obvious flaw is that it doesn't do the "tracking"
part of bugtracking - only the reporting and fixing parts.

Surely there must be some OSS project out there that has been through
the same situation and found/wrote a decent bugtracker...


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