Mounting multiple loop-devices via BB

Alexander 'E-Razor' Krause alexander.krause at
Wed May 10 14:43:12 UTC 2006

I'm all confused now :-(

> It iterates through loop devices until it finds a good one, and stops on a
> file not found error.  This works just fine when it's using the same naming
> scheme as your /dev directory.
> Switch off devfs support.  It breaks stuff.
I've dissabled devfs in BB and I'm getting another error now :-(.

Geode ~ $ mount /boot/stage3-python.squash /mnt/stage3-python/
mount: Mounting /boot/stage3-python.squash on /mnt/stage3-python/ failed: 
Block device required

I've tried BB on my stage1 (it's a minimal setup with only ash, mount and 
chroot) like this:
Geode ~ $ /mnt/stage1/bin/busybox 
mount /boot/stage3-python.squash /mnt/stage3-python/
and it works.

I thought it's my config on the 'big' stage2 BB (version 1.1.2) but compiling 
it with the stage1 config generates the same error.

Are there any changes in mount from 1.1.0 till 1.1.2?

//BB stage1 (works)
Geode ~ $ /mnt/stage1/bin/busybox 
BusyBox v1.1.0 (2006.03.19-13:36+0000) multi-call binary

//BB stage2 (unable to detect loop-dev's)
Geode ~ $ /bin/busybox    
BusyBox v1.1.2 (2006.05.10-14:06+0000) multi-call binary

cheers Alex
Alexander Krause
Amtmann-Kästner-Platz 11
99091 Erfurt

Mail alexander.krause at
Tel. +49 (179) 4725826

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