[BusyBox] Booting from Compact Flash, using ramdisk

tonyb at sysdev.org tonyb at sysdev.org
Wed Mar 10 01:09:58 UTC 2004

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 12:21:35 -0800 (PST)
Wayne Gowcher <wgowcher at yahoo.com> wrote:

> write. Everything is OK if the user shuts down the box
> in an orderly fashion, but if they just hit the off
> switch ( which they are likely to do ) file corruption
> seems to ensue.

I hate to tell you that we get the same corruption and it
does not seem to relate to BusyBox (tried w and w/o bb), but
to the H/W. It makes no diff if the sys is r/o.  The cflash
electronics seem to glitch into the flash and not even an fsck
can fix it.  Try it, pull the plug when during shutdown Linux
has just placed the rootfs to r/o.  Sometimes we crashit just
the same! 


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