[BusyBox] Busybox 1.00-rc2 bug

Glenn McGrath bug1 at iinet.net.au
Wed Aug 11 03:16:44 UTC 2004

On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 02:03:37 +0100
Ian Molton <spyro at f2s.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> Im still seeing the 'some programs make other programs die' problem.
> under lash I see lots of messages about tcsetpgrp: Operation not
> permitted, and googling shows several people have been bitten by this
> in the past, however tis not clear what the fix is, if one ever
> existed.
> I'd consider this a showstopper for a 1.00 release, so if anyone wants
> to help me debug it, I'd be happy to help.
> Im not sure where to start though - Im new to the busybox source,
> having only ever built and used it before.
> Its possible I have merely misconfigured something, but what?

Hi, i think lash is normally only used for light shell work, most people
use ash if they want a more correct shell.

Im not sure about this specific bug, i doubt its a configuration issue,
you could look at shell/lash.c and compare it to shell/ash.c to see what
it does different with regard to tcsetpgrp.


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