[BusyBox] unstable Busybox on ARM

Chia Shee Liang sheeliang at krdl.org.sg
Tue Feb 5 01:32:03 UTC 2002

Hi people. I have a problem running busybox on ARM. It seems to be unstable
and hangs after a while, eg

# ls
# ls
#cd /bin
# ls


# cd /etc
# cat inittab
(lots of garbage, finally causing minicom to core dump when I switched off
the board)

I'm running the kernel which starts /bin/sh (busybox msh) through the serial
port. I do not think this is a problem with the kernel coz printk (redirected
through the other serial port didn't report anything), and some of the
utilities with uC-src seems to be working fine. (actually just sh, ls, cat,
cd, etc) I've changed the uClibc with the latest version (not cvs) but the
problem persists. I've tried busybox 0.60.1 and 0.60.2. As for 0.60.2, I
simply copied the msh.c from the previous version to handle the fork().

Sorry for the lack of information, but it takes a long time to do more tests
as the whole romfs and kernel has to go through the serial link, so I'm
wondering if anybody has any similar encounters or quick fixes?

I prefer busybox to the src utilities (for now) as I think it's real cool and
nifty. :)

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