[BusyBox] Call for review for a last minute patch

Vladimir N. Oleynik dzo at simtreas.ru
Wed Jan 31 17:28:32 UTC 2001

Erik Andersen wrote:

>> $ busybox ls -l /nfsmount/home | tail -1
>> drwxr-xr-x   5 ls: unknown uid 1001

Alas, I shall not try it more. As you do not want to remove your
emulator libnss_files, I shall not torment you such question more. 
I again should come back each time to my personal patches in the
my project, namely - I already spoke more than once - removal
of this emulator. It is absolutely not necessary. 
Only there are more than problems, than benefit. 
Just I have restored work USERNAME_COMPLETION...

Hm, By the way, now function from mine cmdedit can be used for your 
sh.c. :0

username_tab_completion(...,1) in builtin_cd("~user/dirs...") :))



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