[uClibc]directfb pthread linking problems

Alex Song alexsong at comports.com
Sun May 26 13:38:57 MDT 2002

At 05:49 AM 05/26/2002, Erik Andersen wrote:
>On Sun May 26, 2002 at 01:53:18AM +1000, Alex Song wrote:
> > do you have any idea what this might be caused by ?
>Lets step back a bit farther in the process.  How are you
>compiling directfb?  Perhaps that will give us a clue,

i set the PATH to point to uclibc's wrappers then i run autogen.sh which 
comes with directfb with --disable-avifile --disable-freetype. autogen.sh 
generates a configure script and then runs that which makes all the 
Makefiles. then i just simply run make. standard procedure really.

i will tell you a bit more about directfb libraries as it may help. the 
directfb library can dynamically load libraries (for drivers etc). say you 
have libdirectfb.so which lives in say /usr/local/lib and say 
libdirectfbmatroxdriver.so in /usr/local/lib/gfxdriver/ and when you run an 
application linked to libdirectfb.so it will detect what graphics card you 
have and load the appropriate driver for it. kinda double layered shared 
libraries. i don't know if this behaviour affects the uclibc build.

one other thing i noticed is the wrapper calls cpp0 which ends up calling 
cc1 and directfb is written in C. i am not too familiar with compiler 
internals but it seems to be the normal behaviour for gcc as other programs 
compile properly with uclibc and they also call cpp0 first.

if i haven't mentioned this before my host is x86 and my target is also x86 
and i am using the native uclibc loader. i am also using uclibc wrappers 
for gcc-2.95



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