
Geoffrey Espin espin at idiom.com
Mon May 20 17:29:24 MDT 2002


> I have the toolchain installed in /usr/local/uclibc on a RedHat7.2 box, and

And where did you install the documentation?  :-)
Really, the READMEs and the web pages have a lot of good info.

> /usr/local/uclibc/bin:/usr/local/uclibc/i386-linux/bin heading my path.

You don't even need to tweak your path when building applications if you set:

    % cd <<some app that usually builds with gcc & glibc>>
    % make CC=/usr/ARCH-linux-uclibc/usr/bin/ARCH-uclibc-gcc

where ARCH- is your target cpu: arm-,i386-,mipsel-,....

> how should i build uClibc, and what/where should i copy to have my new
> system ready for uClibc? Did i do something wrong?

Its a little confusing what you're asking.  When you said "toolchain
installed", I guess you just meant "downloaded"?  See the top-level
uClibc/README for how to configure.  Once the 'make' is complete,
then do a 'make install' as root and then the /usr/ARCH-linux-uclibc/*
files will show up, and then you can use the above "make CC=..." on
your subsequent application builds.

Geoffrey Espin
espin at idiom.com

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