[uClibc]fdopen checking for append mode agreenment?

Manuel Novoa III mjn3 at codepoet.org
Fri May 3 14:59:43 MDT 2002


On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 10:32:12AM -0700, m4 at brecis.COM wrote:
> Did I miss stdio discussion about fdopen checking for append mode agreement,
> in the 9.9 move to 9.10 (or beyond -- using 2002/04/22 snapshot)?

No, there was no discussion.  But there is a new stdio codebase.  During
development, I had briefly experimented keeping both read and write data
in the file buffer concurrently.  To do that, I needed top know if the
file was appending or not.  While I ditched that code because of the
bloat it caused, I apparently left that test in.  I can still think of
at least one possible reason to keep it...

I'm in the middle of something at the moment, but there are a couple of
other cleanups to stdio I want to do this weekend.  I'll investigate
this further tomorrow.


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