acpid: infinite loop with removed event device

Sertonix sertonix at
Thu Feb 8 22:22:41 UTC 2024

I encountered an issue with acpid where the cpu usage was continuesly
100%. I only saw the issue when acpid had 4 houres CPU time xD

I am not sure where the issue lies. One odd thing I noticed is that
/dev/input/event8 was deleted but is still an open file descriptor.
If I have found the right memory the pollfd struct of the deleted file
looks like this (from gdb examine):
 0x0000000b	0x00190001

The fd is 11 which matches with 0x0000000b. If 0x0019 is the returned
events that could explain the infinite loop. acpid only closes file
descriptors when POLLIN is not set but the read always failed since the
source was deleted.

Args: /sbin/acpid -f
The busybox version is from alpine linux edge with musl libc. If that
is important.

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