RFC: initialize /dev/urandom, is it necessary? Can we do it in a better way?

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at sdaoden.eu
Sat Sep 23 14:01:26 UTC 2023

Roberto A. Foglietta wrote in
 <CAJGKYO64T0R+zyym1Dbj2e7-ZUfaj8-6wD3SuTaZY8EKk2U0hg at mail.gmail.com>:
 |On Thu, 21 Sept 2023 at 20:05, Steffen Nurpmeso <steffen at sdaoden.eu> wrote:
 |>|IMHO, I vote for /sys rather than /proc/debug. The capability to

There already _is_ a debugfs interface?
This must be new then.  I do not have debugfs no more, it is of no
use for me.  Sorry if i have missed anything.

 |>|directly handle the system entropy pool should be an Admin privilege
 |> Access to the pool will never happen again i bet.
 |Well, not by /dev/random or by /dev/urandom for a matter of
 |back-compatibility and I agree on this. Breaking well established
 |interfaces is not a good policy especially when an alternative is

There was a pool access ioctl that was removed.
Must i comment?  I have no problem with that, even though one
could say "i have a very good entropy generator" and wants to stir
the pool her/himself.  Direct I/O and even mapping of physical
pages in userspace is possible / discussed, so why that not?
Concurrent unlocked messing via binary ops surely improves the
randomness (:-}

 |but quite cheap. At least for everyone that can pay for a top-gamma
 |smartphone ($1000-$2000) and with the same money can enter into HP

Even the newest fairphone is only 70% fair iirc.  No.
Like the wonderful Zarah Leander sang in "Nur nicht aus Liebe
weinen" (badly: [anything, but] not crying due to love): the
answer is always renunciation.  (That was, granted, under the Nazi
regime.)  (And, it counteracts a bit with Hans Albers, "Hoppla!
Jetzt komm' ich", maybe.)
But now clear the streets, for me!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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