BusyBox on Windows 10 (WSL)

Mattias Schlenker ms at mattiasschlenker.de
Thu Jul 5 06:57:55 UTC 2018

Hi everyone,

did anyone of you start building a BusyBox based minimal distribution 
for WSL? 
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/build-custom-distro I think 
having a musl plus BusyBox based minimal linux running on WSL could be a 
great way of showcasing BusyBox' abilities on one hand and it could 
leverage the power of a linux command line without having to download a 
full fledged distribution. I maintain (updated about once a year) a 
small distribution that could be used as a starting point for this 
experiment: https://github.com/mschlenker/TinyCrossLinux - However doing 
it based on a buildroot target might also work.

If someone of you started building BusyBox for WSL I'd happily join, if 
not, I'll update TinyCrossLinux soon and add WSL as a target there.


Mattias Schlenker - Freier IT-Fachredakteur und -autor
redaktion at mattiasschlenker.de

Mattias Schlenker - IT-Consulting, Softwareentwicklung
consulting at mattiasschlenker.de

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