SSL/TLS client command line API?

Denys Vlasenko vda.linux at
Thu Jan 19 14:17:35 UTC 2017

Hi folks,

So far bbox is completely SSL/TLS-illiterate.
wget can't talk HTTPS. sendmail groks neither
smtps not STARTTLS command.
nc can't do TLS either.

Now that I have some code reaching a state where
it does talk TLS 1.2, the question is how to integrate it.

TLS i/o entails some buffering. I feel it would be better
if we don't complicate other applets code with changes to
accomodate that. Even if at first it looks "easy",
just replace

    write(fd, buf, len)
    tls_write(tls, buf, len)

it quickly becomes much more difficult when you need a proper
bidirectional piping, not a simple synchronous blocking reads
and writes.

wget already has a solution. It forks a child which does TLS magic,
and talks to it over an ordinary socketpair.
Right now it launched either "openssl s_client" or our own separate
helper utility linked against a SSL library.

Our helper works like this:

ssl_helper -d N

it talks TLS over fd N, passing plaintext from/to stdin/out.

In order to add a real applet, I looked for an SSL/TLS client tool
in widespread use to emulate, and did not find one with a suitable API.

"openssl s_client" is not a production tool, it's a debug thing.
Bigger problem is, it can't be handed a fd to perform TLS on,
it takes hostname. Meaning, wget can't launch it saying "here's
a socket I already opened, please wrap it in TLS".

This second problem is shared by stunnel, various flavors of
"enhanced netcats" with --ssl options etc: none of them will wrap
a given fd.

Do you know a tool whose command line is suitable for us?

If bbox has to invent its own, how about this:

ssl_client -sN [-rM] [--sni HOST]

    send/recv TLS data over fds N and M
    --sni NAME: send SNI in TLS handshake (wget needs this for vhosts)

This can be used by wget, sendmail (, ftps?)

ssl_client HOST[:PORT] [-e PROG] [other nc-like opts]

    netcat-like operation

Possible later we can add "ssl_server" applet, if necessary.
(SSL client and server handshake is not particularly symmetrical,
for coder sanity it makes sense to keep them separate.
See tftp.c for a nightmarish entangled code which does both at once
for a rather simple TFTP protocol).

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