[PATCH 1/3] platform: fix missing strchrnul

Matthias Andree mandree at FreeBSD.org
Wed Nov 27 08:03:30 UTC 2013

Am 27.11.2013 02:53, schrieb Daniel Borca:
> I was testing on Darwin.  More specifically, iPhoneOS6.1.sdk
> Also, http://www.manpagez.com/man/alpha.php?S does not list strchrnul()
> However,
> #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
> should really be
> #if defined(__APPLE__)
> that is, the old #ifdef was _wrong_.  Seems like FreeBSD has strchrnul()
> since Feb 13 2013.
> Reference:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/svn-src-head/2013-February/044883.html

The whole #ifdef approach is massively broken and prone to mis-guess.

It denies one of the most basic considerations, and that is: operating
systems change over time, and add features missing from earlier
versions.  Looking at the operating system is insufficient.

The code needs to *test for features* of the host OS, rather than
second-guess a snapshot of an operating system that still evolves at the
point in time when some developer looked at a convenient version.

Note I am not saying you need to use a fully-fledged autoconf approach,
lighter-weight alternatives have been seen in the wild, and possibly it
suffices - for FreeBSD - to have a separate header (.h) file that checks
the major FreeBSD version and #defines a few HAVE_SOMEFUNCTION or leaves
it #undef'd, so the actual code can then

// assume this contains the #ifdef __SOMEOS__ ...
// #include <sys/params.h> #ifdef __FreeBSD_version ... #endif:
#include <bb_sysfeatures.h>


This requires someone with detailed knowledge, or a good amount of time
on his hands, so some concept similar to autoconf might work in more
places with less human work and more machine work during the build.

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