udhcpc option question

Michael D. Setzer II mikes at kuentos.guam.net
Sat Aug 3 06:13:46 UTC 2013

I have a project that uses busybox for a large number of functions, 
and one is to use udhcpc to get the IP address.

I've just gotten a report from an user that he is having an issue 
with it not getting the ip address during the initial boot process, but 
running it again succeeds? Not sure what is causing the initial 
failure. The original attempt is a script that is called from the rcS 
script, and it has the udhcpc with options -n, -i and -s. Was 
thinking  of  adding a -t 4 option to see if that would have it try 4 
times, but am not sure if -t and -n work together. There may also 
be users that don't have a dhcpd server setup, so can't just have it 
keep trying.

The user is not local, so it is difficult to work remotely on the issue. 
Perhaps someone has a more complete understanding of the 
options for udhcpc than I do. Using busybox 1.21.1.


  Michael D. Setzer II -  Computer Science Instructor      
  Guam Community College  Computer Center                  
  mailto:mikes at kuentos.guam.net                            
  mailto:msetzerii at gmail.com
  Guam - Where America's Day Begins                        
  G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer 

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