busybox utility

Laurent Bercot ska-dietlibc at skarnet.org
Wed Nov 23 13:52:35 UTC 2011

> 2. https://github.com/asdf-systems/gobox

 Didn't know about that one, so I went and read about it.
 Excerpt from the project's page:

 "BusyBox is a good solution to this, but it is written in C, has
confusingly many applets (and options) and a webserver is - as far as
I remember - not among them. It being written in C is a valid argument
in the sense that it might be vulnerable to buffer overflows and other
security flaws. Additionally, the source code is unnecessarily hard to

 I LOLed and stopped reading there. This guy has obviously never
downloaded busybox and looked at the code. He wanted to make his own
"tiny utility box" project and had a hard-on for Go, well, more power
to him, but really, he didn't need to spread such FUD about busybox -
that's just ridiculous.

 I have my own tiny-utilities-suite projects at
and   http://www.skarnet.org/software/s6-linux-utils/
but neither of them is pretending to "replace" or "do better than"
busybox, they are just complementary - or plain redundant - and there's
nothing wrong with that. Busybox is still the embedded world's de facto
standard, and for once among standards, it's a pretty good one.


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