Small issues with hwclock of busybox

Klaus Brinkmann bbrink at
Wed Jun 15 19:14:56 UTC 2011


I hope this is the right place to mention this. There are two issues
with hwclock of busybox which seem very small, but might confuse users
who are not very firm with busybox or linux at all. You might think for
yourself that it isn't really a problem, but as it can be improved quite
easily, it should be considered to be done.

Please see this post of my little forum, where i describe the problem:

I'm sorry if the post a bit confusing, but i found it hard to precisely
describe why and in which way i was confused by this. To improve this,
my proposal is to modify the --help-output and also output the timezone
when using "hwclock -r" like it is in the stand-alone-version of hwclock:

-u           the hardware clock is kept in UTC
-l	     the hardware clock is kept in local time

(Note the "is kept in")

and for example: Mi 15 Jun 2011 21:10:37 CEST  -0.609320 seconds
(Note the "CEST")

The busybox-version i tried this with was v1.13.2 as there is no newer
vesion available in the OpenPandora-Angstrom-repository. So maybe this
has already been improved or was caused by some misconfiguration of my
PandoraOS? Let me know, if so.

Thanks for any reply.

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