iproute monitor unknown

Alexander Kriegisch kriegaex at freetz.org
Tue Dec 6 02:25:55 UTC 2011

Does anyone have an idea about why this error message appears?

# /busybox iproute -?
BusyBox v1.19.3 (2011-12-05 10:51:27 CET) multi-call binary.

Usage: iproute { list | flush | { add | del | change | append |
                replace | monitor } ROUTE }

iproute { list | flush } SELECTOR
iproute get ADDRESS [from ADDRESS iif STRING]
                        [oif STRING] [tos TOS]
iproute { add | del | change | append | replace | monitor } ROUTE
                        SELECTOR := [root PREFIX] [match PREFIX] [proto
                        ROUTE := [TYPE] PREFIX [tos TOS] [proto RTPROTO]
                                [metric METRIC]

# /busybox iproute monitor
iproute: unknown command monitor

Alexander Kriegisch

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