SUSv3 who for Busybox

Vladimir Dronnikov dronnikov at
Wed Jan 21 13:09:00 UTC 2009

>> # (cd coreutils; ../scripts/objsizes | grep who)
> IMHO this is only useful if you plan to compare against something.

Indeed! Get the result for your current code. Your starting point will
be that "something". Then try to make it less.

>> Then consider replacing excessive use of option_mask32 with a local
>> unsigned opt (which can be optimized to be register).
> the mask is global and used in one subroutine.

But more than once. Global would result in accessing data segment.
Local could be cached in a register. AFAI can remember. Just try.

>> Why does es exists at all if it is useless?

Just suppose you have a subroutine whose behavior depends on flags
obtained in main(). Then instead of introducing a parameter you could
refer global flags.


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