
Vladimir Dronnikov dronnikov at
Sun Apr 19 04:53:01 UTC 2009

> However, I suspect that having a hotplug wrapper script in examples might be
> more useful.  The one I posted probably does firmware loading (needs
> testing), and adding module loading to it wouldn't be a big deal either
> (although why you don't want to statically link the driver is one of those
> mysteries for the ages, I suppose).  I might break down and do this if
> sufficiently browbeaten.  I could even move the seqnum stuff into it...

This all seems to be the step to /etc/hotplug.d/ ages.

> I'm all for having an mdev -d, but we might want a config option for it.  (And
> one for mdev -s, and for that matter mdev hotplug support.  For some people,
> _all_ they want is mdev -s and right now there's ~3 screens full of code for
> hotplug.)

To split mdev and tune obtained parts separately is a good option then.

> Question: if we load all the modules we can as soon after boot as we can, why
> didn't they just statically link them in to begin with?

I guess it opens a new page of the discussion: why don't they
configure their kernels to meet the requirements of mdev?
To be brief: if you want no sound from beeper, you unload the
pcspkr.ko module. If you then want the sound, you load the module.
When it is compiled in, you just have no choice.


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