
Marco Pracucci development at
Wed Sep 19 10:56:43 UTC 2007


I have seen that crond check if there are jobs to run the first second
of each minute. This behavior lead to the following situation: if I have
a job that should be run every minute, when I start crond it just not
execute this job, but it waits until the next minute.

     * main loop - synchronize to 1 second after the minute, minimum sleep
     *             of 1 second.
        for (;;) {
            sleep((sleep_time + 1) - (short) (time(NULL) % sleep_time));

For example: my system start crond at boot and I have a job that should
be run every minute. If crond is started at 12:50:10, crond execute this
job at 12:51:01, while I would also run it at 12:50:*.

Is there any wait to change this behavior?
Why don't crond test jobs as soon as it's started and then it test jobs
every first second of each minute?

Marco Pracucci

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