udhcpc and leases

Jason Curl jcurlnews at arcor.de
Wed Nov 7 12:29:31 UTC 2007


I'm looking into getting UDHCPC working again on my x86 embedded PC. If I can't get a lease, I would like to use ZCIP, otherwise use the IP that we were given.

I'm using BB 1.8.0 with a very simple script to just print what it's supposed to do. I've also enabled debugging for udhcpc. When udhcpc gets a lease from the DHCP server it exits immediately.

# udhcpc -s ./udhcp.script
-> deconfig
-> bound
entering none listen mode
# _

So while I haven't provided the -q option, it's still exiting after getting the lease.

When reading through the source code I find:

int udhcpc_main(int argc, char **argv)
        if (opt & OPT_q)
                client_config.quit_after_lease = 1;

but I don't find where "client_config_quit_after_lease" is initialised to 0.

What happens when the lease expires? How am I supposed to renegotiate a new lease?


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