iproute to be installed

Nico Erfurth masta at perlgolf.de
Mon Dec 24 04:27:50 PST 2007

sundararaman.dheivanayagam at wipro.com schrieb:

> I have installed the following version in my embedded box. I need 
> support for “ip rule” and “ip route” for that I want to install 
> “iproute2” package.
> Please let me know where to get “iproute2” package and to build 
> “iproute2” for our own CROSS compiler and install the same.

This isn't busybox-related at all, you can find the iproute2 package by 
simply searching google or freshmeat.

> # busybox
> BusyBox v1.00-pre7 (2007.12.02-07:53+0000) multi-call binary

FWIW: This version is pretty old.


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