mount with Labels

Jason Curl jcurlnews at
Wed Dec 12 03:36:24 PST 2007


Is it possible to use BusyBox mount to mount a filesystem on boot depending on the label of the device/partition? I have a Compact Flash disk that mounts it's second partition but on some devices this is /dev/hda1 and on other devices this i /dev/hdc1 (the root is /dev/hda2 or /dev/hdc2 so that when a user takes the CF card out and puts it on Windows, they don't see the boot partition, only the FAT partition securing the software from accidental deletion).

Using a label removes this dependency. Also I intend to allow users to insert a USB key to my embedded device but I can't say what device it would be up front, but I can easily specify the label of that partition.

Initially it appears that busybox doesn't support LABEL=... or -L in the options. I'm not sure about what kind of changes would be required to BusyBox to get this to work.

Thanks in advance,

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