udhcp parameters when called from interfaces file

Gabriel L. Somlo somlo at cmu.edu
Wed Oct 4 10:45:21 PDT 2006

> From: "Joel Lindsay" <joel at waveteq.com>
> What I mean is that when I set my interface to use DHCP within the interfaces file, I do not set the udhcp command line, it is set somewhere else and automatically started for me.  I am trying to locate where this is set.  I thought it was at compile time, but not sure if was in the udhcp compilation or the busybox compilation.


The interfaces file is the config file for ifup/ifdown

The command line for udhcpc is hard coded in there:

"udhcpc -R -n -p /var/run/udhcpc.%iface%.pid -i %iface% "
       "[[-H %hostname%]] [[-c %clientid%]] [[-s %script%]]"

So, currently (as of svn 16294) you get to set the following options
after 'iface foo inet dhcp':


and most recently:

script (which lets you tell udhcpc where to look for its script file)


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