[PATCH] ls: clean up memory leak

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Fri May 5 20:47:19 UTC 2006

Sigh, I unplonk a guy because I see a rational statement go by on the list 
(the code can be used as GPL thing) that gives me hope some issues might 
actually get resolved, and his next message makes me regret it...

On Friday 05 May 2006 2:52 am, Vladimir N. Oleynik wrote:
> Rob Landley wrote:
> > If somebody can
> > confirm that his code is indeed usable under the terms of the BusyBox
> > license ("GPL v2 or later"), and wants to forward it to me for inclusion,
> > I'll review it just like I would any other patch.  (I don't have to
> > _like_ people in order to take code from, that restriction wouldn't be in
> > the best interests of the project.)
> I hope, you understand, that it each time will be more difficult,
> for corrections will be from my initial code.
> Why? Here it is well told in correct English:
> http://www.busybox.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi?rev=11399&view=rev

And here's rational discussion between me and Manuel on that issue:

And here's Manuel fixing the problem I brought up:

And here's somebody other than Manuel checking in changes that touch that file 
since, without getting screamed at:

Now, can anybody spot the difference between him and you?  Anybody?

Your code drifting further and further away from what's in mainline is simply 
not my problem.  If I never get another patch from you ever, I'm fine with 
that.  You have a tendency to "port" external applets to busybox in such a 
way that the implementation is only halfway cleaned up, more than twice the 
size it needs to be, and completely unmaintainable.  And these problems 
persist long after the code gets added to the tree.  But if anybody else 
tries to clean them up (the way Garrett is cleaning up e2fsck), you scream 
about people touching "your code".

As for whitespace changes: the app I've maintained longest is sed, but you 
never asked me about svn 11464, and I didn't revert it.  Nobody asked me 
about svn 13584 either.  14399/14426 were changes from somebody else.  As 
maintainer of the larger project I've checked in things like svn 14396 and 
14457 that touched my code in passing, but which I didn't write.  Just like 
Erik did back when he was maintainer (10121).

I receive patches from people that affect code I'm working on all the time, 
and some of the time I have to revert what I'm doing and apply their patch, 
and then port my changes on top of that, which is often inconvenient.  But 
it's part of doing collaborative development.

Finally, I deferred to Erik's technical judgement when he was maintainer.  He 
made more than one call I didn't agree with, but the result was workable and 
I got over it.  I realize that you have as little respect for my technical 
judgement as I have for yours, which is fine.  Neither of us has to check 
code into the other's tree, ever.

I also realize that this message is long enough you probably won't bother to 
translate it.  Oh well.  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it's 
like having a conversation with somebody with a really short attention span, 
rather than somebody who sticks their fingers in their ears and goes "la la 
la" when the other person is talking.  I used to try to use small words and 
speak in short sentences to get through to you.  I've stopped trying.

Never bet against the cheap plastic solution.

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