patch: init's halt message

Paul Fox pgf at
Tue May 30 09:37:04 PDT 2006

anyone object to changing init's final message?  the current
message says "The system is halted" when that is not actually
the case.  when the kernel actually does halt, or powerdown, it
will print its own message.  seems better if init only announces
what it's trying to do, rather than claiming to have done it.


Index: init/init.c
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 init.c
--- init/init.c	30 May 2006 15:18:09 -0000
+++ init/init.c	30 May 2006 16:35:07 -0000
@@ -757,7 +757,8 @@
 static void halt_signal(int sig ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-	message(CONSOLE | LOG, "The system is halted.");
+	message(CONSOLE | LOG, "Requesting system %s.",
+		sig == SIGUSR2 ? "poweroff." : "halt.");
 	/* allow time for last message to reach serial console */

 paul fox, pgf at

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