linked lists and a matter of terminology

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Fri May 19 07:08:51 PDT 2006

  and while we're on the subject of linked lists, can i make a
suggestion to rename those function primitives?  i've never been happy
with primitives like "add_to" and "add_to_end" since they're sort of
vague and wishy-washy.  i think it would be far more meaningful to use
"prepend" and "append", which have *independently* unambiguous

  (as an aside, i've always been thoroughly disgusted with perl's
decision to name the four related operators "push", "pop", "shift" and
"unshift".  what hideous and inconsistent choices.  grrrrrr ...)

  in any event, i think "prepend" and "append" are more
clearly-defined since they obviously denote an underlying ordering.



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