REVISED makefile structure for multi-part source files

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Thu May 11 09:25:02 PDT 2006

#  Macro to extract the "subparts" of a given multi-part source file.

get-file-subparts = $(shell sed -n -e "s/^\#ifdef L_//p" ${1})

#  Lists of the multi-part source files and the corresponding "sub-parts."
# Note that the last two of the variables below are superfluous for the
# normal build -- I just threw them in so I could define the phony
# "allobjs" target for testing.

MULTISRCS := $(shell grep -l "^\#ifdef L_" $(wildcard *.c))
MULTISUBPARTS := $(foreach msrc,${MULTISRCS},$(call get-file-subparts,${msrc}))
MULTIOBJS := $(addsuffix .o,${MULTISUBPARTS})

#  For a given source file, generate a list of the corresponding
# object files.

gen-objs = $(addsuffix .o, $(call get-file-subparts,${1}))

#  Define the rule that rebuilds a set of object files from a
# multi-part source file.

define objrule
$(call gen-objs, ${1}): ${1}
	@echo CC $$< -DL_$$* -o $$@	# replace with real command

$(foreach src,${MULTISRCS},$(eval $(call objrule,${src})))

.PHONY: allobjs
allobjs: ${MULTIOBJS}


P.S.  as with the previous submission, you can just dump this makefile
into libbb, and invoke it with the "allobjs" target to see what would

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