udhcp and busybox

Natanael Copa natanael.copa at gmail.com
Sun Mar 26 22:53:03 PST 2006

Devin Bayer wrote:
> On Mar 26, 2006, at 9:26, Paul Fox wrote:
>> what's wrong with needing the script?  all it seems you're doing is
>> hard-coding a bunch of actions that may or may not be suitable or
>> complete for all users.
> It first hit me when I was using buildroot - all of busybox worked
> right after installing except udhcpc, which had the following issues:
>     * it required a script, which isn't installed by buildroot
>     * by default it wants a /usr/share directory, whereas nothing else does
>     * the sample script is dead wrong.  It creates multiple default
> gateways
>     * changing the script to be correct took over an hour
> So it's a matter of usability. I shouldn't have to learn an API just
> to get an IP address.  I believe it can work out of the box for most
> users.  So it should.  Hardcoding the actions in C is just a simpler
> way to achieve that.  It doesn't require changes to the install and
> is less prone to breakage.

I can tell that in addition to that was mentioned above, the script had
to exist in /share in my case.

I ended up using dhcpcd.


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