using switch_root to jump into unionfs?

Alexander Krause alexander.krause at
Sun Mar 19 09:04:04 PST 2006

Hi all,

i tried to use switch_root to jump into /vertex (mounted 2 dirs into it via 

Well, my 60kB initrd does the following:

1. mount /dev/hda1
2. use a squashfs-image and mount it to /static
3. mount /dev/hda2 /dynamic
4. unite /static and /dynamic into /vertex
5. switch_root /vertex /bin/init

Well, chrooting into /vertex workes fine, but switch root says: 'switch_root: 
not rootfs'

its not because /bin/init, that one works (i've tried /bin/ash too).

Any ideas? (i don't really wanna use pivot root cos i don't need the old root)

cheers Alex
Alexander Krause
Amtmann-Kästner-Platz 11
99091 Erfurt

Mail alexander.krause at
Tel. +49 (179) 4725826

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