[PATCH RESEND] size reduction and coding style for who.c

Tito farmatito at tiscali.it
Sat Mar 11 12:07:52 PST 2006

On Saturday 11 March 2006 19:24, you wrote:

> Changing spaces to tabs is cool.  Why the extra curly brackets around single 
> line ifs?  (I haven't rejected this one, I'm just asking if there's a 
> rationale here.  Seems an aesthetic choice.)

	    if (stat(name, &st) == 0) {
		now = time(NULL);
		idle = now -  st.st_atime;

		if (idle < 60)
		    printf("00:00m    ");
		else if (idle < (60 * 60))
		    printf("00:%02dm    ", (int)(idle / 60));
		else if (idle < (24 * 60 * 60))
		    printf("%02d:%02dm    ", (int)(idle / (60 * 60)),
			   (int)(idle % (60 * 60)) / 60);
		else if (idle < (24 * 60 * 60 * 365))
		    printf("%03ddays   ", (int)(idle / (24 * 60 * 60)));
		    printf("%02dyears   ", (int) (idle / (24 * 60 * 60 * 365)));
	    } else
		printf("%-8s  ", "?");

	    printf("%-12.12s   %s\n", ctime((time_t*)&(ut->ut_tv.tv_sec)) + 4, ut->ut_host);

For my personal taste the code as it was looked a little confusing,
so i needed all the braces to understand what it was doing.
Now it is clear at least for me.................. ;-)

BTW: the coding style says to do so and i vote for it.


> Rob

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