The FSF's being stupid again, it seems...

Rob Landley rob at
Wed Jun 28 14:14:32 PDT 2006

On Wednesday 28 June 2006 5:02 pm, Paul Fox wrote:
>  > Also, if GPLv3 actually _requires_ this (rather than just
>  > having a statement good for 3 years to provide the source code
>  > on request, as the GPLv2 has), that would be (to me) another
>  > reason to go for V2 only.
> i think you're reading something into that story that i'm not.

You're right, for a moment there I was assuming the FSF is still relevant.  
(My bad.)

I've noticed that only ever has the source for the most recent 
version up.  (Yes they distribute binaries.  Fabrice doesn't care, and since 
he's the copyright holder there's really nothing the FSF can do to him for 
not abiding by his own license...)

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