Bugfixes only, release on Friday the 30th.

Alberto Donato alberto.donato at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 08:42:28 PDT 2006

On 6/26/06, Rob Landley <rob at landley.net> wrote:
> Ok, I finally got the mdev thing fixed (both Jason Schoon and Giuseppe Ciotta
> deserve credit for this, I used elements of both).  It's upgraded so that you
> can specify that a given command should run at create, at delete, or at both.

I thought you were against the 'delete' flag solution in make_device ...
Have you checked out the revised version of my patch which uses a
separate function as you suggested
(http://busybox.net/lists/busybox/2006-May/021617.html) ?

> I kept the system() method of running command lines and added an environment
> variable ($MDEV) that has the name of the current device being
> created/deleted (useful if you matched it via regex), but this meant I also
> had to add some documentation saying "it needs a /bin/sh to run these
> through", and a suggestion that they pick a default shell.  It's sitting on
> my laptop ready to check in.  (I can queue up email on the bus, but can't
> queue up svn commits.  If I seem regularly frustrated about coordinating
> development via svn, now you know why...)

I think the $MDEV variable is not so necessary (if you want to shrink
the code a little), since the $DEVPATH var is already passed to the
command executed and can be used to get the actual device name by
removing the prefix.

> I want to release 1.2.0 this friday.  (I said June and I mean it.)  That means
> tonight's snapshot will have all the new features, and everything between now
> and thursday night is bugfixes only.
> Test tonight's snapshot _hard_ please.  After today I'm putting my pending
> heap aside and I'm going to go through bugs.busybox.net to try to close some
> of those out instead...
> Rob
> --
> Never bet against the cheap plastic solution.
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