[PATCH] remove obsolete(?) code that handles net if aliases

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Tue Jun 20 16:35:50 PDT 2006

On Tuesday 20 June 2006 6:21 pm, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> > Oh you can still do aliases.  Try "ifconfig eth1:1".
> > But that doesn't show up in /proc/net/dev, there seems to be some
> > kind of ioctl done to detect that.  (Or at least in Red Hat 9 is
> > doing so, Ubuntu Flatulent Badger isn't showing it in the big
> > "ifconfig" list, but is remembering the info when I "ifconfig
> > eth0:1"...)
> sorry, i phrased that badly.  i realize that aliases are still
> possible but, as you note, they no longer show up in /proc/net/dev,
> and apparently haven't for a while.  hence my suggestion of dead code
> that could be removed.

I confirmed they didn't in Red Hat 9 (my "how did an old 2.4 system do it" 
test environment).

I also confirmed that busybox 1.1.2 (the snapshot I had lying around) lists 
the aliases when you do "ifconfig" by itself to list all interfaces.

Still trying to confirm what -current does because lots of things keep 
breaking.  (taskset.c broke, fdisk.c broke, e2fsprogs _never_ worked...  

> rday

Never bet against the cheap plastic solution.

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