Reviewing Denis's pending patches...

Rob Landley rob at
Tue Jun 13 10:11:29 PDT 2006

Ok, _finally_ getting around to (sorry that 
took so long).  The ones with an * in front of them are _not_ yet applied, 
the rest are.

unlzma_mode_fix_3: open followed by fchmod() is a race.  I switched it to use 
bb_xopen3() instead.

minix.patch: somebody seems to have already applied this, but it should be 
xzalloc() anyway.  (Probably lots of other consolidation along those lines is 
possible here, but lemme go through the rest of minix.* first.)

minix2.patch: Somebody beat me to this, too.  (I'm guessing Bernhard.)

*minix3.patch: removes the declaration of inode_buffer, yet it's still used in 
#define Inode and such...  Huh?  I'm not applying this one just now, could 
you explain what's going on here?

minix4.patch: Already applied by Bernhard.

minix5.patch: Applied.

*minix6.patch: Looks good, but I think it's dependant on minix3.patch...?  I'm 
holding off for now until minix3 is resolved.

*minix7.patch: Looks good, but it's big enough I can't understand everything 
it's doing and I'm not sure it doesn't need minix3 or minix6, so I'm 
considering it blocked until those are resolved.

*minix8.patch: Looks fine, but 13 of 18 hunks failed.  I need a respin on 
that, I think.

*minix9.patch: depends on earlier patches.

modsizes.patch: Already applied as "objsizes", it seems.

sections.patch: Oops, I just applied this one by hand but forgot to credit you 
for it when I checked it in.  Sorry about that.  The functionality's in, 
anyway.  (The linker flag part is disabled via CONFIG_DEBUG.  Might need a 
more granular flag for that at some point in future, but that's easy enough 
to do.)

*top.patch: every hunk failed when I tried to apply it.  Need a respin.  I'm 
skipping all the top* patches for now.

wget.patch: applied

*wget2.patch: according to bloatcheck this makes the code 13 bytes bigger.

wget3.patch: applied.

More later...

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