reduce the size of busybox

roberto foglietta roberto.foglietta at
Tue Jun 13 00:14:24 PDT 2006

2006/6/12, Rob Landley <rob at>:
> Ugly solutions should be a last resort.  There's lots of low-hanging fruit in
> the tree to make things smaller, and the sort of thing you just suggested
> makes the code more brittle and _less_ easy to shrink in general.

 Even where size matters is not the ONLY value because unmaintenible
and brittle code does not help anybody expecially the community that
need reusable, robust and easy to understand code.
 If somebody or a company need a smaller size they are free to invest
money and time in shriking the size with all the uglyness they needs.

 My personal point of view is: made things beautyfully working and let
them to be free in the wild for fun, see them growing and hunting to
put them in a box for money. Much better than feeding chikens in a
little jail.

 My 2 cent,

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