[OT] busybox article in LWN

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sun Jun 11 08:50:15 PDT 2006

On Thursday 08 June 2006 6:46 pm, Erik Hovland wrote:
> If you don't have subscription, you won't be able to see this for a
> week. But if you do, an article that Rob wrote about busybox appeared in
> this week's LWN:
> http://lwn.net/Articles/186602/
> E

A draft of an article I attached to my apology for not having the article 
ready on time was cleaned up by the editor and posted.  (Forrest did a 
marvelous job on cleanup, you should have seen the garbage he started with.)  
I'm trying to figure out if it's my fault for not getting it in on time, or 
my fault for having let the editor get ahold of the article before it was 
ready. :)

That said, that's about 2/3 of the article I wanted to write, and some bits 
like the "future directions" were just a bullet point list of "notes to self" 
about topics I should cover, which got editorially turned into a rather 
incoherent paragraph.  But oh well...

I'd try to get a properly finished version to him before it went live to the 
non-subscriber world...  If I had time. :)

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