Firefox on Busybox

Michael Marriott mike at
Sun Jun 11 04:36:15 PDT 2006

Can someone point me in the right direction as to how I can get the
Firefox browser running in my busybox system?

So far I have installed the firefox directory onto an NFS system mounted
on the busybox device.
I get a bunch of warnings about fonts and oh
yeah...................getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0).
I guess firefox is trying to get user info from /etc/passwd but I don't
know if any of these warnings are directly related to the SEGMENTATION
FAULT I am getting.

My kernel is 2.6.9 and the libraries are coming from a FC3 system.
Are there specific kernel paramters that need to be set in order to
support firefox?
Can I simply use the existing FC3 libraries?
Are there specific busybox parameters that need to be configured prior
to compiling?

Thanks in advance.
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