Building additional binaries

Rob Landley rob at
Thu Jul 6 07:44:07 PDT 2006

On Thursday 06 July 2006 4:00 am, Bernhard Fischer wrote:
> Rob, trunk is in a really bad shape IMO. I'm feeding my
> fixes/enhancements to a separate branch, so i have a working base to use
> and develop with. I'll refrain from checking code-changes into trunk for
> now, so i will not interfere with anything you may decide to change
> there.

Are the bugs and patches in  I may have some time to take 
another whack at dealing with the bug backlog this weekend.

I just ended my annual caffeine fast and after having one diet coke I rewrote 
about 1/4 of a combined mke2fs/gene2fs replacement from scratch, and I'm 
going to try to finish it before tackling anything else because I'm tired of 
having 8 gazillion half finished projects, and the e2fsprogs directories is 
one of the big eyesores in the tree.  (This uses _nothing_ from that.)

> I'm regularly pulling worthwile stuff off trunk into my branch now as i
> want the branch to contain less bugs than trunk does. Regularly as in
> it has approximately the feature-set of the 1.2.0 release (plus a bit)
> and has a couple of fixes i had to do to bring it back to something i
> could deal with.

If you could queue up bug fixes for 1.2.1, that would be very useful.

> My hope is that this approach will let you clean out your backlog and
> get something useful done which works, without you having to deal with
> somebody else (at least me) introducing conflicts.

I'm trying to learn about git so we can have a toolset where all of us can 
work at full speed without stomping each other so much.  My initramfs 
tutorial at OLS is sandwiched between two git tutorials, so that seems like a 
good time to come up to speed on it. :)

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