can change the defalt color

Alastor "CrazyEyes" Santamaria alastors at
Wed Sep 21 06:59:22 UTC 2005

Hi how you all doing, now I started experimenting with the escapes in
man 4 console_codes but I just can't change the defaults colors.
I used all the escapes sequences there and no one works, when I do
printf("\033[0m ") it goes back to grey on black. can anyone help me?

is there any way I coud had said this without using so many I's ?
someone once point a nice page that had a good translator please
repeat it so I can save it to a file.


No corrijas al necio no sea cosa que te odie, corrije al sabio y te lo
Al que a buen árbol se arrima buena sombra lo cobija.
Lo mejor que podemos hacer por otro no es sólo compartir con él
nuestras riquezas, sino mostrarle las suyas.

 Atentamente Alastor

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