[BusyBox] Very important solution: Autoconfig Networking after boot does not work in busybox-1.00-rc1 and Solution for unzip

Stefan Weilhartner whylee at whylee.at
Thu Aug 4 11:18:57 UTC 2005

Rob Landley schrieb:

>On Wednesday 03 August 2005 08:42, Stefan Weilhartner wrote:
>>Hi Volks!
>>Here we used busybox-version 1.00pre8 for a long time.
>>But unzip is not working in all cases (on our Arm7-plattform).
>>I tried several tagged Version, but only the actual unzip code (checked
>>in on 20, July, i guess) is really working.
>*blink* *blink*.
>The missing information in that paragraph falls into a number of categories:
>First of all, are you talking about gunzip or unzip?
Not gunzip, it is unzip

>Unzip is not workign in _what_ cases?  (Are there specific things it fails to 
>unzip, do those things unzip properly on intel, does it not unzip anything 
>properly on certain platforms, does it refuse to run or produce corrupted 
>output or exit with an error, have you tried to debug the problem at all, do 
>you have any theories that it might be an endiness issue or something...)
>As for checked in: checked in where?  To busybox?  To buildroot?  To the 
>info-zip repository?
I'll search for the zip-archive that makes trouble here on the Arm7 (not 
tested on Intel machines)
and send you detailed info about the results and versions of unzip.

>>But another problem occured:
>>In version busybox1.00-rc2
>Which is now what, two years old?  Have you tried something more recent to see 
>if we already fixed this one?
Sorry thought busybox1.00-rc3 was the last tagged busybox.
Today, I checked out svn://busybox.net/tags/busybox_1_00 with the same 
After booting eth0 is not up.

>>network is not set up correct anymore. 
>>After booting i have no eth0-interface anymore!
>And this last properly worked for you on which version?
It worked in busybox_1_00_rc1
The last revision it worked was 8994.
Revision 8995 did not work anymore cause of the changes in

>>I found out, that the 'ifup -a' command is not working as in revisions
>>After searching a while for the smelly patch if found the patch for the
>>file networking/ifupdown.c from  working revision 8894 to non-working
>>revision 8895.
>>The smelly code is in the function execute_all:
>>Eliminate these lines:
>>- if ((*exec)(buf) !) 1) {
>>-    return 0;
>>- }
>I have "if ((*exec)(buf) != 1) {".  I don't think what you posted will even 
A little mistake from me:
eliminate following these three lines in function execute_all:
      if ((*exec)(buf) != 1) {
              return 0;
and insert the following line instead:

This is just an undo at line1033/1039 from the changeset show at:

After checking out svn://busybox.net/tags/busybox_1_00 and doing the 
modification shown above, eth0 comes up
after booting.
(now i think i have the last tagged official release from busybox 
(svn://busybox.net/tags/busybox_1_00) right?)

>>(btw: in that file returncode '0' means error and '1' means no_error,
>>that is a little strange there)
>>it is no error if no script is in the directory /etc/network/if-.... so
>>the function 'execute_all' alwalys has to return 1 (no error).
>>If it does return an error, the function 'iface_up' will break and the
>>interface does not come up.
>>So, making busybox_1_00_rc3 work with correct interface settings at
>>bootup: eliminate the three lines in 'execute_all'.
>>And making busybox 1_00_rc3 witch correct working 'unzip' copy following
>>three files from the actual trunk
>>to your rc3-directory:
>> archival/unzip.c
>> archival/libunarchive/decompress_unzip.c
>> include/unarchive.h
>>Maybe it's time for a Busybox_1_00_rc4 with these changes?
>Are you talking about 1.0.1-rc2?  Do we have one already?
Sorry, my mistake. Thought that 1_00_rc3 was the last version.
I tried busybox_1_00_rc2 and busybox_1_00_rc3 and today busybox_1_00
In all these versions eth0 does not come up without my modification 
(mentioned above).

I hope my infos about my network problem is now accurate enough to follow.
Thanks for the good work on the busybox anyway,

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