[BusyBox] Busybox httpd applet

Rory Vieira rory.vieira at coolview.nl
Fri Nov 12 11:22:44 UTC 2004


Is there a way to get the running httpd's pid?

I'm having enormous trouble running both busybox' httpd and apache

I try to start the busybox httpd with:
  start-stop-daemon -S -q -x /sbin/httpd -p /var/run/bhttpd.pid -- -p
666 -h /var/www

Only to come to the conclusion that start-stop-daemon doesn't create

How can I solve this problem when `pidof httpd` gives me the pids of the
running apache?

Is it even possible to have busybox' httpd write his own pid-file?
This would be great ;)

PS I'm no C programmer (I do Delphi), so won't even try to comprehend
the code in
httpd.c although I'm smart enough to figure out how it's done.
If there is another applet which DOES write it's pid down, plz let me
know and I will try to create a patch for httpd anyway...

Rory Vieira
The Cool View

rory dot vieira at coolview dot nl
http colon slash slash www dot coolview dot nl

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