[BusyBox] dietlibc patch for pre5

Hannes Reinecke hare at suse.de
Fri Jan 30 14:06:19 UTC 2004

Hi all,

I've whacked together a patch for dietlibc support for -pre5. It 
basically adds a new configuration option and includes some #defines 
around mempcpy() and strchrnul(), both of which do not exist within 

btw, I've also fixed an 'interesting' use of strchrnul:

			(*vp->func)(strchrnul(s, '=') + 1);

I.e. if 's' does not contain the character '=', the argument to the 
function will be a pointer to 's + strlen(s) + 1'. Uh-oh.

Comments, suggestions etc. welcome.

Please keep me cc'ed since I'm not on the list.


Dr. Hannes Reinecke			hare at suse.de
SuSE Linux AG				S390 & zSeries
Maxfeldstraße 5				+49 911 74053 688
90409 Nürnberg				http://www.suse.de
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