[BusyBox] [patch] Updated sort.c

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Thu Dec 2 19:31:49 MST 2004

Here's an updated version of the sort rewrite I posted on saturday (although 
it's in the form of a patch against cvs).  This fixes -o and -g, makes it so 
the small option uses an integer version of -n again (eliminating the need 
for floating point with the smaller sort), simplifies things so there's only 
one SORT_BIG option (which no longer requires long doubles, although it still 
needs isnan() and isinf()...)

This one also puts in the config option for SORT_BIG, so you can try it with 
and without the expanded code.  (The small version is smaller than the old 
one was, in part because I don't include 
"coreutils/libcoreutils/xgetoptfile_sort_uniq.c", which is now halfway to 
orphaned code...)

Attached is also the tests.sh file it passes.  "./tests.sh sort" and 
"./tests.sh busybox/sort" should produce the same output.  (Redirect 'em to a 
file and diff.)  Yeah, I need even more tests...

Does anybody object to me checking this in?

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