[BusyBox] Busybox inetd wu-ftpd getservbyname

Yoann Allain yallain at avilinks.com
Thu Apr 29 13:45:14 UTC 2004

Thanks for the advice Mike.
I was thinking about using ulibc but I haven't done it for the moment. 
For now I doing latency tests on the system...

Michael Shearer wrote:

>One more thing.  The "internal password..." option in Busybox will only affect busybox applications.  Hence why you need it with WU-ftpd.  Actually, anything linked against glibc using NSS libraries primitives.  You may want to look at other libc  implementations like uLibc if you want to remove the libnss dependency.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Yoann Allain [mailto:yallain at avilinks.com]
>Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:23 AM
>To: Michael Shearer
>Cc: busybox at mail.busybox.net
>Subject: Re: [BusyBox] Busybox inetd wu-ftpd getservbyname
>Michael Shearer wrote:
>>Hi Yoann,
>>If you haven't compiled busybox with "internal password and group functions rather than system functions" found under the Login/Password Management Utilities section, chances are you will need libnss_files.so.  glibc 2.x.x uses DLL type access to acces this file using the dlopen() routine.  Binaries that use dlopen will not list these libraries as dependencies when doing an ldd nor will they list it as "NEEDED" when using readelf unless you've added it manually to the ELF header.
>>The only way I've found of detecting this dependencies is using "strace" on my application to verify which dynamic library hasn't been found.
>Thanks a lot for answering...
>I've checked my busybox options and the "use internal password and group 
>functions rather than system functions" option is used...
>That's also why I thought I didn't need the nsswitch.conf file at start.
>Bu thanks for the dlopen() explanation

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