[BusyBox] Segfault in sed during binutils build.

Erik Andersen andersen at codepoet.org
Mon Sep 15 10:58:26 UTC 2003

On Mon Sep 15, 2003 at 08:18:58PM +1000, Glenn McGrath wrote:
> I dont know if its a bug in glibc/uclibc or if sed and the libc's
> implement different standards of behaviour as far as regex's go.

The fundamental problem is that ed, ex, vi, sed, awk, grep,
egrep, and POSIX regex (as implemented by the C library) all have
differences in their allowed pattern matching metacharacters. :-(

I have an ancient 1986 copy of "Unix in a Nutshell", and it
contains a nice table describing which metacharacters are accepted
by each application.  Presumably the "Pattern Matching" chapter
in the current "Linux in a Nutshell, 4th Edition" book contains
a similar table, if anyone happens to have it handy.


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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