[BusyBox] Applets Question

vda vda at port.imtp.ilyichevsk.odessa.ua
Fri Oct 10 09:16:40 UTC 2003

On Thursday 09 October 2003 20:15, Karthik M wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am a newbie to busybox and am trying to understand
> how it works. I read the source code and got the feel
> of how it works overall but have a basic question.
> Inside do_mount() there is a stmt :
> status = mount (.....);
> i am confused about this above statement and does it
> actually call the systemcall mount ?? , if so how does
> busybox know to invoke the system call as mount in
> this case should again recognize the /bin/mount which
> is symlinked to busybox again ??

You are confused about syscalls, C library calls and binaries.

# mount /dev/hda /mnt - this is binary being started from shell prompt

v=mount(...); - this is C function being called in a C program

I won't present an example of syscall since you most probably will never
need to open code it.

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